Our Values
Our Challenges
Integrating CSR guidelines into our global strategy and bringing together all our partners and teams to ensure its development and success.
Developing the skills of all our collaborators to foster greater agility, enabling them to contribute to positive and impactful events.
Raising awareness among our clients and participants about their impacts and roles during an event and promoting increasingly committed communication and experience.
Boosting diversity and promoting inclusion both internally and during production.
Implementing responsible purchasing practices by securing the commitment of our partners to act in accordance with our shared values.
Brainstorming for a practical and sustainable event, starting from conception, to minimise our resources and materials impacts by reducing the ecological footprint (trips). Thinking about the life cycle of an event instead of an EPHEMERAL event.
Our Commitments
#1. Inclusion
We are committed to identify, integrate and exchange with our interested parties by reminding them of major common matters.
#2. Alertness
We assess potential risks and impacts of our activity to proactively mitigate them and implement corrective measures.
#3. Transparency
We are committed to publicly disclose all information pertaining to our processes.
#4. Integrity
We conscientiously fulfil our duty to implement our sustainable development policy over time.